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Upload: 23 Jan 2024, 20:47
Created by: Glumboi [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Simple plugin for my Jedi Survivor mod "MTPBWY" which is a tool to mod unreal
engine game's engine ini's to improve performance. This is only the
plugin, the tool itself won't be posted here and has to be downloaded
from here because it is easier to manage for me. Just extract the zip into the directory of the downloaded application/plugins folder and run the app.

Properly detailed installation (from a sticky post on the configurator)

It points to the configurator. It's totally to blame on me,
not you.

So basically, what all this is аbout:
You download the configurator from here, then proceed to download the palworld zip from the(this) other page.
Once you have done that, you extract the configurator to any folder you like.
Then you unpack the contents of the palworld zip to the configurator's plugins sub folder.
And then, you run the configurator, if it crashes crying about some file
path, make sure to run it as admin, if it doesnt work then, well then
we are f*cked and you need to report an issue detailing what went wrong.

What doesn't work:

  • Build mod (its not needed for Palworld, thus its disabled)
  • Launch button (mod isn't installed in the game's main directory, thus I
    deactivated the run game function for it to make it easier to manage)
  • Mod will always say that its installed because it checks if the Engine.ini exists
  • TAA resolution doesnt seem to work properly, I might be wrong though as I didn't test enough, just report anything in the posts or bugs section please
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