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RTX RayTracing and DirectX12 for your Pals- Ultra Quality Config  

Upload: 26 Jan 2024, 12:06
Created by: R3MINDOFFICIAL [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
RTX RayTracing and DirectX12 for your Pals- Ultra Quality Config

!! This WILL add a lot of WORKLOAD on your GPU !!

Please ensure that you have a capable high-end GPU before trying this mod.
You will NOT be able to enjoy it on a low-end GPU like an RTX 4060/70 - RTX 3060/70 (unless you prefer to play with a low framerate)

Tested with the following HW in order to achieve stable 90 FPS at 1440p:

  • GPU: nVidia RTX 4090 (24GB VRAM)
  • CPU: Intel i9-11900K (overclocked)
  • RAM: 64GB RAM DDR-4 @ 3600Mhz
  • (DLSS OFF, No FrameGeneration)

What it does?

  • Enables some of the RayTracing functions
  • Switches the rendering API from DirectX11 to DirectX12
  • Increases the native rendering from 100% to 120% (you can adjust this value)*
  • Removes some of the annoying fog (you can enable it back)**
  • Improves the quality for some of the PostFX effects
  • Brings the Anisotropic filtering level at x16
  • Improves the Global Illumination quality
  • And some more quality parameters..

*r.ScreenPercentage is the native rendering scale, a higher value will increase the quality (less aliasing) and WILL make your FPS drop.
**If you want to re-enable the fog then change r.Fog=0 to r.Fog=1

How to install?

  • Navigate to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Pal\Saved\Config\Windows\
  • Open and modify by yourself the Engine.ini file OR just replace it with the provvided one.


  • The simplest way is to just delete the Engine.ini file, since it should regenerate with the default parameters when you start the game.

(Don't worry, if you delete Engine.ini your savedata won't be altered or deleted)


Q1) I can't find the same path on my GamePass version of the game.
A1) As suggested by some users, on the GamePass version the Engine.ini path is the following one: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Pal\Saved\Config\WinGDK\

Q2) Nothing changed, not even the FPS.
A2) Something went wrong when you tried to modify/replace your Engine.ini file. Ensure to have the game closed before proceeding with the Engine.ini modification.
A2.1) If you are an AMD user, then there is no guarantee that this mod can work for your graphic card.

Video guide & demo:


UltraQualitySettings-24GB-VRAM-RTX4090 - These settings will be fine on a RTX 4090

-Added/Changed some more parameters in order to increase the overall graphics quality
-Added LOD parameters to address blurry/low-quality behavior of distant object and tree models

-Added more parameters to enable/force other ray-traced features/options
-Added some parameters to enable/force the volumetric lights and clouds ambient occlusion impact

UltraQualitySettings-12GB-VRAM - These settings will work fine with an high-end 12GB VRAM GPU

UltraQualitySettings-8GB-VRAM - These settings will work fine with an high-end 8GB VRAM GPU

Improved Anti-Alasing

Improved Anti-Alasing

25 Jan 2024

This mod improves the games anti-aliasing solutions for reduced blurriness & better image stability. TSR, TAA, FXAA, No AA, & DLSS

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