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Dr. Kevorkian's Assisted Suicide  

Upload: 03 Aug 2022, 07:53
Created by: Orc [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Dr. Kevorkian's Assisted Suicide

In the 90s Dr. Kevorkian was a controversial figure who promoted the idea that "Dying is not a crime" and that terminally ill patients should have the right to die. He was commonly referred to as "Dr. Death" and sparked a conversation about physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia.

With this mod I add in the ability to go out on your terms. There are suicide drinks and pills that RAPIDLY accelerate the dying process and lets you choose when and how you're going to die. No need to sit around suffering, starving and ultimately bleeding out. Take a drink and within 15 minutes, you're gone. Fortunate enough to find a suicide pill? It's now a painless and instantaneous death and it won't even zombify you. Death with dignity!

Lore Justification

When the Knox event occurred many realized this was the end. They saw friends and family members suffering and dying on a daily basis. Many who were previously opposed to physician assisted suicide changed their opinions and began to offer the services. So many in fact that "The Kevorkian Group" was formed by former physicians who now offered suicide assistance for those terminally ill with the Knox Virus.

They began canvassing neighborhoods, working in hospitals and visiting pharmacies offering their services. They were easily identified by their black armbands and offered their services free of charge. Anyone and everyone could die a painless and prompt death if they so chose.

Dr. Kevorkian himself visited Kentucky and offered his support to the group. Eventually the Knox event took its toll and even the Kevorkian Group fell to it's deadly infection. Now roaming the world aimlessly these Doctors often are carrying unused Concoctions and Pills. Find one on your travels and a quick escape from this hellish nightmare can await you too.

Mod Additions
  • Suicide Concoction
    • ID: Kevorkian.DrDeathSuicideDrink
    • This drink kills you within 15 minutes (game time) of consuming it. It's a prompt but painful death. The recipe is available rarely on Kevorkian Group Members, Spawns occasionally in the world and its recipe is available relatively commonly
  • Suicide Pills
    • ID: Kevorkian.DrDeathSuicidePills
    • This pill is an instantaneous death. No ifs, ands or buts about it. You're dead the moment you eat it. Additionally if you happen to have the Knox Virus, you will not zombify. It is very rare and most commonly found in military establishments or on Dr. Kevorkian himself.
  • Suicide Concoction Recipe
    • ID: Kevorkian.DrDeathRecipeDrink
    • Taught from either a rare zombie drop of "The Kevorkian Verdict" VHS
    • Requires no skill to craft
    • Utilizes 1 Bottle of Bourbon, 1 Pack of Sleeping Pills, 1 pack of Pain Pills
  • Suicide Pill Recipe
    • ID: Kevorkian.DrDeathRecipePills
    • Extremely rare
    • Sometimes found in military establishments or on Dr. Kevorkian
    • Requires First Aid 4
    • Utilizes 2 Antibiotics, 1 Pack Beta Blockers, 2.5 Packs of Sleeping Pills, 2.5 Packs of Pain Pills
  • Dr. Kevorkian Signed Photograph
    • Extremely rare easter egg that is fully 3D Modeled and textured to be used as a decoration around your base. Rarely found in Hospital Lockers and Bed-side tables
    • ID: Kevorkian.DrDeathPhotograph
  • Kevorkian Group Medical Coat
    • A wearable Doctor Coat with the Kevorkian Group arm-band
    • ID: Kevorkian.DrDeathJacket
  • VHS: The Kevorkian Verdict
    • Common Retail-VHS that causes stress but teaches the Suicide Concoction recipe
    • Uncommon Home-VHS Bootleg that also teaches the Suicide Concoction recipe
  • Dr. Kevorkian
    • Spawns rarely in medical establishments, pharmacies and retirement homes
    • Extremely low spawn in roaming zombie hoards
    • Identifiable by his Kevorkian Group armband and slicked back grey hair
    • Always carrying a suicide pill
  • Kevorkian Group Doctors
    • Spawn frequently in all medical establishments and pharmacies
    • Low spawn in roaming zombie groups
    • Always carries a single suicide concoction/drink
    • Identifiable by their Kevorkian Group armband
But Why?

On my friend's multiplayer server we found ourselves getting annoyed with having to find a group of zombies and die a long drawn out process. At first it was just a simple suicide pill, but if you know anything about me I always take it too far. So here we are. A whole mod of suicidal doctors, pills, vhs tapes and lore justifying it all.

Now we can all die quickly and with dignity.

Optional Addon

There is a secondary optional addon called "Dr. Kevorkian's Addon Cyanide Rename" with the ID "KevorkianCyanide". If you enable this addon after the Dr. Kevorkian assisted suicide it will simply rename all the "Suicide Pills" to "Cyanide Pills". Nothing else changes, it's entirely a matter of personal preferences.

Make sure that the addon loads after the base mod of you won't see any changes.
For example: Mods=Kevorkian;KevorkianCyanide;

Other Notes
  • Safe to add or remove from existing saves
  • Translated currently to English and Russian (Contribute)

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