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Improvised Flooring  

Upload: 21 Jul 2022, 14:21
Created by: Orc [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Improvised Flooring

Tired of spending all day, every day running around collecting just the right color of tile for your spiffy new base? Introducing Improvised Flooring! Put away your shoes, grab a hammer and lets get crafting.

Why spend all day searching when you can spend all afternoon crafting! Learn to make wood flooring, carpeting, kitchen tiles and even the elusive industrial floor designs and more.

Improvised Flooring adds over 100 crafting recipes to the game to allow you to craft your own floor tiles from reasonable resource requirements. Wooden Floors, Carpets and Metal Tiles are available to everyone with the appropriate skill set. Special floors like Plaster Tiles, Branded variations, Industrial flooring, Roadways and Sidewalks require the discovery of a specialized magazine.

Item IDs

Fencing Kits!

Fencing Kits!

22 Jul 2022
2 876

Tired of permanently staining your world by disassembling every appliance in a 5 mile radius, just to build two fences? Would you like to avoid using unappealing wooden walls?

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