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Eggon's Modding Utils  

Upload: 01 Aug 2022, 06:09
Created by: Eggon [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Eggon's Modding Utils

This is a support utility mod for my other mods and for any modders that could find useful the provided functionalities.

At present the mod contains:

1. Additional events
  • OnAfterItemTransfer
  • OnBeforeItemTransfer
  • OnHotbarItemAttach
  • OnHotbarItemUnattach
  • OnBeforeFirstInventoryTooltipDisplay
  • OnDisplayContainerContents
  • OnDisplayInventoryContainerContents
  • OnDisplayLootContainerContents

If you'd like to use them, check out the documentation.

2. Some inventory utility functions
3. Distribution API
Mods using Modding Utils

1) Eggon's Have I Found This Book
2) Eggon's Holsters Tweaker
3) Eggon's Sharpen Your Blades

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