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Blowtorch Gates!  

Upload: 06 Jul 2022, 16:43
Created by: planetalgol [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Blowtorch Gates!

Escape the Tyranny of the Sledgehammer!

With this mod you can disassemble the gun store gates using a propane torch and welder mask.

This mean that if enabling sledgehammer destruction is a pain in the butt for your server, between this mod and with how now all player built tiles can be disassembled, and as long as you don't want stair cheese, there is no reason to have sledgehammer destruction enabled for your server.

There you go. Sledgehammers not spawning enough? No longer an issue.

This mod would probably work in build 40 as well but I can't be bothered to test it in that build.

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01 Aug 2022

Just a small mod we made with my friend to set up a RP for no zombie respawn. Inspired from idiocracy, you wake up from a long sleep in a base out of nowhere, and you have no idea what hapenned.

Easy Corpse Move

Easy Corpse Move

05 Aug 2022

You can access this feature by either right clicking a corpse, or right clicking the ground if you are already carrying a corpse. You will see the "Grab-Dump Corpse Control" button in the context menu.

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