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Item Remover  

Upload: 09 Aug 2022, 09:42
Created by: Champygnakx [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Item Remover

Update 15/07/2022 : increased loot variance

This mod takes another approach to nerfing loot.
Instead of nerfing the loot distribution tables, this mod checks for a chance to remove items after a container has spawned its loot.
This makes it so that you can stack all of these mods together, as well as with my other mods like "75% less loot" or "More Loot Settings", that do nerf the distribution tables.

With this method, the loot also has more variance : some containers will have no items removed, others will have all their items removed.

And finally it becomes possible to modifying the chance to remove items according to other variables, such as the number of days survived or the world age for example. (Which will be my next mod : "Time Decreases Loot" !)

So, this contains 6 mods:
  • 20% Chance to remove items (checked for each item in a container) (does not affect zombie loot)
  • 40% Chance to remove items (idem)
  • 60% Chance to remove items (idem)
  • 80% Chance to remove items (idem)
  • 95% Chance to remove items (idem)
  • 50% Chance to remove items from zombie loot ONLY (this won't affect attached weapons and worn clothes and accessories) (also nerfs the chance of attached items from 6 to 4)

See the images to visualize the effects.

You may stack the mods together.

Examples : 95% chance + 80% chance = 99% chance to remove item.
40% chance + 20% chance = 32% chance to remove item.

Cigarettes and other items with fixed item count (ammo, nails...):

This mod has the side effect of randomizing item count. Because the chance to remove items is applied to each item, so in the case of cigarettes it applies to each of the 20 cigarettes that normally spawn.


Apparently not working in multiplayer. There are issues with vehicle loot disappearing on client side only. Don't know how to solve this yet. As an alternative, check out my mod "Time Decreases Loot" which lets you disable vehicle triggers.


Should be compatible with just about every mod out there. Maybe not Scavenger skill?
Confirmed compatible with Ridiculously Rare, 75% less loot, 75% less food loot, More Loot Settings, Randomized Cigarettes Count... The effect WILL stack together since the approach taken is completely different. (Good luck playing with both Ridiculously Rare and 80% Item Remover enabled.)

A customizable option of this mod (through sandbox setting) will be coming in the next update of my other mod "More Loot Settings".

Tuck and Roll 428 KB

Tuck and Roll

21 Jul 2022

Tap E (or your interact method) 3 (three) times quickly to jump out of your car while it's moving. This mod also allows you to exit/enter moving vehicles at low speeds - that speed is dependent on nimbleness.

Love and Perfume

Love and Perfume

05 Aug 2022

Expand the existing "Perfume" and "Cologne". Perfumes and colognes will be available (drainable) items. To use it, select "Apply perfume/cologne to the skin" from the item's context menu.



03 Aug 2022
1 535

Hello survivors, are you tired of using the crafting window as a shopping system? Because I was ...

Swap It

Swap It

03 Aug 2022

Equipped weapons will swap places with hotslotted weapons instead of being put away entirely. Example: If you have Weapon A on your belt and Weapon B in hand- selecting weapon A will equip weapon A and put weapon B on your belt.

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