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Time Decreases Loot  

Upload: 20 Jul 2022, 14:56
Created by: Champygnakx [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Time Decreases Loot

This mod removes items from containers according to a "chance" that will increase with the world's age, according to sandbox parameters.

This is based on the same concept as my previous mod "Item Remover".

The sandbox settings:
  • Start Day : The day the loot will start decreasing. Before that day, the start chance is applied.
  • Peak Day : The day the loot will stop decreasing. After that day, the peak chance is applied.
  • Start Chance : The starting chance to remove items.
  • Peak Chance : The peak chance to remove items.
  • Food Chance Modifier : The number that will be flatly added to the chance to remove items, for food items only.
  • Enhanced Loot Variance : Enabled by default. When enabled, the loot variance from container to container varies a lot more, while still retaining the current chance as average.
  • Trigger Item Remover on vehicles : Enabled by default. When enabled, the item remover will trigger on vehicles (gloveboxes, seats, trunks...) DO NOT ENABLE THIS OPTION IN MULTIPLAYER.
  • Trigger Item Remover on dead bodies : DISABLED by default. When enabled, the item remover will trigger on dead bodies, but will ignore attached/lodged weapons and worn clothes and accessories. WARNING: this will trigger on the dead bodies of players or NPCs, too ! DO NOT ENABLE THIS OPTION IN MULTIPLAYER.
  • Trigger Item Remover on proximity : DISABLED by default. When enabled, the item remover will trigger when the player comes close to containers, instead of when the map cells load. Pro: does not trigger the item remover for all the containers of the map before you explore them (so if you explore them 2 weeks later, the chance of two weeks later will apply, as opposed to the chance of day one).Con: However, some containers will appear to have items (shelves with books on them) but when you get close will have their items removed and could actually become empty. DO NOT ENABLE THIS OPTION IN MULTIPLAYER.

Between Start Day and Peak Day the chance to remove items will proportionally increase until it reaches Peak Day.

By default the settings are:
Start Day = 2
Peak Day = 30
Start Chance = 0%
Peak Chance = 75%
Food Chance Modifier = 20 (so by default, before start day the chance to remove food is 20%, and after peak day it is 95% (75+20))
Enhanced Loot Variance is enabled.
Trigger on vehicles is enabled. (don't forget to DISABLE THIS OPTION IN MULTIPLAYER)
Trigger on dead bodies and on proximity is disabled. (LEAVE THESE DISABLED IN MULTIPLAYER)


In multiplayer you MUST disable vehicle triggers, dead bodies triggers and proximity triggers. You souldn't have issues if you do that, but I can't be 100% sure since I have not tested this on a server.

Fellow modders, if any of you knows how to send modified modData of vehicle parts to the server, please leave a comment, cause I don't know how to do it ! If I knew how to do that, the triggers listed above would probably become usable in multiplayer.

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