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Players On Map  

Upload: 13 Aug 2022, 10:37
Created by: Zack [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Players On Map

This mod will show you players on the map.

To change options, open the game options and you will see "Players On Map"

Everyone will see "Client Options" and these will only change client-sided, if the admin options allow for it.
For instance if the admin options does not "Allow World Map Names" then the "Show Names On World Map" client option won't do anything.

Craft Helper (41.x)

Craft Helper (41.x)

11 Aug 2022
1 009

This is a new version of famous mod "Craft Helper" with improved UI. This mod will add a "Craft Helper 41" context menu item when right-clicking on any item in your inventory or a container.

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