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GunFighter Radial Menu  

Upload: 28 Dec 2022, 14:31
Last updated: 15-04-2023, 19:28
Created by: Deceptive Pastry [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
GunFighter Radial Menu

Arsenal(26) GunFighter Mod
Brita's Weapon Pack
Mod Options (Build 41)

Add-on for Arsenal(26)'s GunFighter Mod / Brita's Weapon Pack that adds their hotkey functions to the firearm radial menu.

SP, MP, and controller compatible, but the buttons won't work for player 2 in split-screen as GunFighter was not designed for it. If playing split-screen, player 1 will have to set up weapons for player 2.

Hold the reload key (default "R") to access the firearm radial menu.

Buttons are context sensitive
The radial will only show buttons if the currently held gun is capable of that action. Eg. the "Cycle Fire Mode" button will only appear if the gun actually has more than one firemode. Easier to see at a glance what each gun is capable of.

Displays current status of each setting
Hovering over a button will display the current setting in square brackets [-]. Eg. if the CQB button info says [On], that means it is currently active.

- What CQB does:
"CQB... Limits target lock range to 15 for those firearms that can fire further than that. This prevents the core game from locking onto far targets in the wrong order, as they are not designed to reach as far as this mod allows them to."
For more info on what certain functions do, read THE MEGA - FAQ THREAD Arsenal(26) made for GunFighter/Brita's.

- Changing the gun's magazine type will first automatically eject the current magazine if it contains one, then set the new magazine type. The gun will then accept the new magazine type if you have one.

- Melee grip changing isn't implemented in the radial menu as this is currently only used on two melee weapons, the swords. To change grip type on these weapons you will still need to use the hotkeys (MAG_TYPE_1 and MAG_TYPE_2).

This mod only overrides a couple functions from media\lua\client\ISUI\ISFirearmRadialMenu.lua. Likely not compatible with mods that affect the firearm radial menu.

NOTE: This mod is not made by Arsenal(26) or Brita, so if you have any issues with the radial menu specifically, please post a comment below rather than asking them about it.

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  1. Guest Arthur
    Guest Arthur [Guests]
    28 January 2024 19:42

    How to download from this site?