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10 Years Later (26.06.2023)  

Upload: 15 Jun 2022, 12:22
Last updated: 2-09-2023, 22:34
Created by: Dane [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Version updated - 2-09-2023, 22:34 » [Aqxaro]
10 Years Later (26.06.2023)


Daddy Dirkie dirks tiles
throttlekitty's tiles
Dylan's Tile Pack
Melos Tiles for Miles Tilepack
Simon MDs Destroyed Tiles
Simon MDs Tiles

The 10 Years Later Server is open ! Want to test 10 Years Later mod with more than 60 maps in Mutiplayer ?

Add vegetation to simulate a world after 10 years... inspired by The last of us & I'm legend this mod adds overlays everywhere (isn't erosion, just overlay)

- Riverside desert
- Muldraugh update
- Ekron update
- Westpoint update
- March Ridge update
- 3 versions : high, medium and low veg (for server owner / solo player)
- Remove vegetation fixed
- Version : high vehicle spawn
- Less trees on the road

Last update - 12/09/2022

- Rosewood conversion
- 3 new texture vehicles
- Sandbox settings
- More trees
- More vehicles
- Modified textures for vehicles (Spiffo, Stepvan mail, Heralds hell, Lectromax)

small update - 13/09/2022

- Update tooltip : if you want the low veg version put 3 on every Sandbox option with "Chance"
- Separate the vehicles spawnrate modification and texture in a other version 10YL_VH
- Fix the max of the chance : min 1 = 100% , 3 = Low veg



03 Aug 2022
3 672

Located in the river crossing city in the east of the river, the total area is about three fifths of Louisville. The density of zombies is high, mainly concentrated at the entrance of the urban area, which is more difficult, and it is slightly higher than Louisville in the early stage

Camden County 73 MB

Camden County

24 Nov 2022
2 866

Huge fictional STANDALONE 20x20 map with 400 cells. Every single cell, including forest cells are hand painted one by one - often many times, to make the overall areal view more realistic and to give more detail on close up as well.

Research Facility, KY

Research Facility, KY

05 Aug 2022
2 554

The Research Facility, KY is a full expansion and redesign of the secret military base that can be found to the west of Rosewood, KY. It's design is inspired by the sprawling complex of Black Mesa from the Half-Life series, as well as from the town of Eureka from the TV show Eureka (2006).

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