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Frankfort KY  

Upload: 01 Aug 2022, 11:56
Created by: Spinky [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Frankfort KY

Frankfort, KY is the state capital of Kentucky

This is my first map that I have created! Please be indulgent.
/!\ The map is not finished /!\
For now, it's just the residential area

Research Facility, KY

Research Facility, KY

05 Aug 2022
2 429

The Research Facility, KY is a full expansion and redesign of the secret military base that can be found to the west of Rosewood, KY. It's design is inspired by the sprawling complex of Black Mesa from the Half-Life series, as well as from the town of Eureka from the TV show Eureka (2006).

Cigaro little town

Cigaro little town

03 Aug 2022
1 174

Custom map created by Cigaro. I wanted to have a little town that has everything to make a safe base with a single entrance for more comfort.

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