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Frankfort KY  

Upload: 01 Aug 2022, 11:56
Created by: Spinky [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Frankfort KY

Frankfort, KY is the state capital of Kentucky

This is my first map that I have created! Please be indulgent.
/!\ The map is not finished /!\
For now, it's just the residential area

Camden County 73 MB

Camden County

24 Nov 2022
1 741

Huge fictional STANDALONE 20x20 map with 400 cells. Every single cell, including forest cells are hand painted one by one - often many times, to make the overall areal view more realistic and to give more detail on close up as well.

Whistler's Grove County 46 MB

Whistler's Grove County

04 Nov 2022

This map contains 2 towns, Aspenwood and Jonestown. The name for map and towns i took from The Last Stand 2. Originally this map, was creating for the Roleplay Multiplayer Server, but the project closed, so i decided to make it public.

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