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Metro by Bordu4kov (Early version)  

Upload: 28 Dec 2022, 12:35
Created by: Bordu4kov [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Metro by Bordu4kov (Early version)


1. I will increase the number of stations, the mod will be updated every 3 stations made.
2. I will make secret passages.
3. I will make a part of the sewer system.
4. I will make a secret station in the likeness of D6
5. At the exit of the 42nd build, I will try to move the map underground.

Suitable for the latest version of the game
It is developed for Rp projects due to the dependence of the map on manually created scenarios.
There are problems with lighting on the map, they will most likely be fixed when the build 42 update is released.
To fully immerse yourself, you need to create a dedicated server and configure lighting manually on the game itself through the administration panel.

The map is under development and will be expanded in the future.
At the moment , 10 stations out of 14 are ready .

Please let me know about problems related to the map, I will try to fix them in the future.
At the moment, there is no in-game map, and it may be made after the creation of all stations is completed.

Whether I will continue creating the map depends on you , There will be more incentive to continue making the map from a large number of ratings

Dirkerdam Alpha 0.04

Dirkerdam Alpha 0.04

03 Jul 2023
4 135

Dirkerdam is a hobby project of mine that I have been working on for the past 3 years or so. I update it when I see fit as it is still a work in progress map.

Chestown 700 KB


29 Jul 2022
11 679

This town sits on the western part of the Exclusion Zone, south of Riverside. Tall apartment buildings and wealthy suburbs await you, however be wary of its narrow alleyways and even narrower staircases, death will await you at every turn so be cautious with every step you take.

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