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90 Mercedes-Benz Unimog U1550L  

Upload: 05 Aug 2022, 10:16
Created by: cyt [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
90 Mercedes-Benz Unimog U1550L
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'90 Mercedes-Benz Unimog U1550L

"Universal-Motor-Gerat" or Unimog is a truck designed bu Albert Friedrich and Heinrich Rossler after WW2 as a faster tractor in agricultural use.
Exceptional off-roading abilities gave Unimogs use in every land whether its desert, hills, forests as military, recreational, rally, governmental vehicles.

  • Fully animated with visible passengers.
  • Six liveries with accurate colors for Benz. One in olive drab other in Nato 3 tone.
  • Trailer RV with 4 passenger spots and big storage space.
  • Two levels of craftable armor. Craftable Tarp to cover rear.
  • All parts are removeable with their own 3d models and item types.
  • Four seats,
  • Transmission with 8 gears, closer to a diesel engine with handling ( Standard Project Zomboid limitations still exist )

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