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Autotsar Motorclub  

Upload: 20 Jul 2022, 16:13
Last updated: 20-07-2023, 21:18
Created by: iBrRus [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Autotsar Motorclub

Tsar's Common Library [MP updated]
Aquatsar Yacht Club [for MP >= 41.66 disable anti-cheat type 12]

This day came! Autotsar Inc. together with KI5-Production are pleased to present new vehicles:

1984 BWM R80/7 Monolever - Classic
Cool and fast motorcycle for two people, with two small bags. The most versatile model for all deaths.

1984 BWM R80/7 Monolever - Custom
This bike is even faster... no passengers, no bags, nothing more, just for you! It's like bleach, but more fun.

1986 Xarley-Davitsan Sportstep XL 1200
Set up two holsters, put your weapons in them, fill your bags with ammo and go looking for trouble or beer.

1988 Suvzuki 250 Quadruiner
Don't want to be crunchy? Well, then this ATV is for you. 2 seats and 2 trunks. It is ideal for places where cars cannot squeeze through.

1990 Yamama Waveruiner 650TL
Yes, this is not a dream! This is the Yamama jet ski in all its glory! Enjoy the waves away from the zombies and the apocalypse! If you wish, you can always drown yourself and feed the crayfish.

Motorcycle, ATV or jet ski? Who will be your best friend during the zombie apocalypse?

Eggon's Worthwile Cars 2.0 709 KB

Eggon's Worthwile Cars 2.0

01 Aug 2022
1 222

This setting will change the trunk sizes proportionally to car size ranging from 25 (Chavalier Dart) to 300 (Chevalier Step Van) for the vanilla cars. See one of the Steam page slides to find capacities of all vanilla cars. For large trucks from different mods capacity might be even higher.

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