Hound Wolf Squad M45A1
Replaces Hadgun of your choice with Hound Wolf Squad M45A1
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Replaces W-870 with a modified M90 from Halo. "Modified" meaning I moved the stock and resized some parts to better fit Leon's hands.
Uses the base model of the LE-5 from RE2R with a different Fire Selector and Textured Handguard. Also restores the cut Iron Sights to the LE-5 with optional versions for Collapsed Stock with Drum Magazine, Red Dot Optic, and Handguard Flashlight.
Save files that has CQBR already loaded with rifle rounds will not accept new ammo type. To fix this simply sell the weapon and buy it back.
Replaces Blacktail with TTI Combat Master G34 from JW2. It has two variants: one with a laser sight and one without it and two color options, Silver or Black.