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Installing mods on RimWorld: …\RimWorld\Mods

Not Overhead Meal  

Upload: 21 Jun 2023, 19:23
Created by: Si-Cafe [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Not Overhead Meal

Ever wondered how are meal can be looks like placed overhead when eating facing north?

This is an issue from our of view, but it is probably more important to pawns.
They are pity to eating placed overhead meal... so should be properly placed on the table and eat.
Let's solve overhead meals with this mod!

  • Meals will no longer draw above the pawn.
  • This mod applies only to eating when use tables and chairs. Without the table is as usual.
  • Now pawn places the meal slightly closer to self when put it on the table. That is to ensure that the meals do not full overlap when face-to-face eating with someone. (There still a overlaps... but beer is not overlap a good example.)

Requires Harmony

Rimworld Exploration Mode[BETA]

Rimworld Exploration Mode[BETA]

21 Jun 2023

Why is it that your lost and naked pawns know about the locations of every faction bases and landmark on the planet? Want to have a challenging experience exploring the planet for the first time?

Realistic Rooms

Realistic Rooms

26 Jun 2023

Lowers the required room sizes to better match realistic sizes of a house. This is also for those who like smaller packed bases. This mod was sugested by Gwazi Magnum.

[GMT] Trading Spot

[GMT] Trading Spot

23 Jun 2023

This is an update to [KV] Trading Spot so that it works with 1.4. This version of the mod will work with previous versions of the game too as the files for prior versions were untouched.

[KV] Trading Spot

[KV] Trading Spot

23 Jun 2023

A designated spot for traders to stop at. Trading Spot marker is located in the Architecture menu under Misc

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