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Installing mods on RimWorld: …\RimWorld\Mods

Alpha Mechs  

Upload: 22 Jun 2023, 09:13
Created by: Sarg Bjornson [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Alpha Mechs

Requires HarmonyVanilla Expanded Framework


- 7 new mechanoids: The Aura, Daggersnout, Goliath, Phalanx, Siegebreaker, Fireworm and Demolisher make their return. The 7 mechs will appear in raids, clusters, etc, and they can be disabled separately through mod options.

- With Biotech: If the player has Biotech, a HUGE amount of content will be unlocked
- 26 new mechanoids, including 11 utility mechs, 12 combat mechs and 3 challenging (but not absurdly so) “boss” mechs
- 3 new mechanoid chips
- 2 new armors, 2 new helmets, 3 new utility packs and a warcasket
- 11 new buildings
- 8 new research projects to unlock all the content

- With Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoid, plus Biotech: another huge chunk of content is added: 7 new mechanoids in two types. First of all, the “clean” versions of the Aura, Daggersnout, Goliath, Phalanx, Siegebreaker, Fireworm and Demolisher that appear in VFE - Mechs groups. Secondly, their advanced versions, which appear when mechs do a hardware upgrade. The player can also research a hardware upgrade to build these advanced mechanoids, as well as the Slurrymaster

- New mechs are added with: Vanilla Races Expanded - Sanguophage, Vanilla Genetics Expanded, Vanilla Fishing Expanded, Vanilla Books Expanded, Alpha Bees, and Rimatomics

All this is detailed in this Google Doc. Bear in mind Steam will probably censor this link as always:


Q: Can I add it mid-playthrough to an existing save? Can I remove the mod?
A: You can add it whenever. You can't remove mods from a save and expect it not no be messed up.

Q: I don’t like certain things, can I remove them?
A: Use Owlchemist's Cherry Picker mod!

Q: Does this need Biotech DLC, Alpha Animals / Biomes / etc
A: No

Q: Is it compatible with another mod that adds mechs?
A: It should

Q: Does this work with Combat Extended?
A: They say it is

Q: Reeee this is bloat! I like my things that add things to add less things to the thing!!!
A: Aww, look, it has learned how to type on a keyboard! How quaint!

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