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Installing mods on RimWorld: …\RimWorld\Mods

Snap Out!  

Upload: 22 Jun 2023, 12:05
Created by: Weil [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Snap Out!

Tired of having to beat pawns to a pulp whenever they go on a mental break? Now you don't necessarily have to.

Snap Out offers you a fair and balanced way to talk pawns out of their breaks, be it a prisoner, a visitor or a colonist (duh).


  • Pawns with the 'Warden' worktype will attempt to calm other pawns down. Their success chance depends on their social skill and the pawn's opinion of them."
  • Depending on whether their attempt succeeds or not:
  • The pawn will spend a small amount of time in their room* with a 'sad wandering' mental break. Afterwards they fully snap out.
    If the pawn has a room then they will briefly return there for safety.
  • They are also capable of dealing with aggressive mental breaks, though it does come with a small risk of violence if the attempt fails.
  • At the end of the attempt, a small comforting message will appear to increase the immersion (feel free to suggest some of your own messages).
    This mod is customizable (see section below).
Recipe icons

Recipe icons

26 Jun 2023

- tooltips with recipe information - icons in thing filters - icons for some surgery icons

Dubs Mint Menus

Dubs Mint Menus

22 Jun 2023

Adds new list boxes for recipe bills, health bills, plant selection, architect menu, research menu, and a quick select menu for designators, making it easier to find things when lots of mods are running.



21 Jun 2023

This mod adds a new event type "Patient arrived". It allows you to run a hospital and get goodwill/silver in return. The patient will arrive in a drop pod. You have to either tend to their wounds, cure their disease or perform a surgery.

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