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Installing mods on RimWorld: …\RimWorld\Mods

Show Draftees Weapon  

Upload: 26 Jun 2023, 12:38
Created by: Targhetti [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Show Draftees Weapon
Final Update

As of the 1.4 update the base game has added a similar feature making this mod redundant. This mod will not be updated for version 1.4, but it will stay up for anyone playing 1.3 or older versions.

A BIG thanks for all the kind words and encouragement over the years.


Shows a pawn's weapon icon on the colonist bar.

When a pawn has been drafted their equipped weapon icon will display under the pawn's avatar on the colonist banner. New mod settings have been added to allow weapons to be shown regardless of a pawn's drafted status and while they are traveling. The settings can be accessed via... Options > Mod Settings > Show Draftee's Weapon.

- Show When Not Drafted - When checked weapons display regardless of the pawn's drafted status.
- Show When Traveling - When checked weapons display when pawns are traveling, and their drafted status meets the Show When Not Drafted setting.

- Will work with existing saves
- Can be enabled/disabled without issue
- This mod should be compatible with mods that don't change the Colonist Bar. That said, if you run into issues try changing this mod's load position to be before/after other mods.

Level Up!

Level Up!

26 Jun 2023

You will automatically get notified whenever a colonist levels up. Advanced configuration is available in the Mod settings.

Device Standby

Device Standby

21 Jun 2023

Devices will standby while not used, with configurable power consumption.

Aerocraft Framework

Aerocraft Framework

21 Jun 2023

This Mod provides an aerocraft and its framework that primarily performs flight operations within a map (the majority of its functions can be achieved through Comp in Xml)

Hospitality: Spa

Hospitality: Spa

21 Jun 2023

Make hospitality guests pay for using your pool, hot tub or sauna of Dubs Bad Hygiene. Requires either Dubs Bad Hygiene or Dubs Bad Hygiene Lite to do something! :)

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