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One Click Power Attack NG v1.11  

Upload: 11 May 2023, 11:31
Created by: Bingle [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
One Click Power Attack NG v1.11

My personal SKSE64 plugin for Skyrim which lets you power attack with a single key tap without messing with idle animations and DX scan code support.

I've just made an introduction video for fun. XD

Default settings are optimized for MCO users. You can combo power attacks while attacking (e.g 2hm1-2hm2-power2hm3) with single right click.

It now has MCM support for convenience.

There are some settings that need to be adjusted for your mod list through the MCM menu.

Please take a tour first before writing stupid comments or reporting the feature as a bug.


Address Library for SKSE Plugins    
MCM Helper

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