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FNIS Flyer SE v7.0  

Upload: 25 Oct 2022, 12:43
Created by: fore [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 7.0
FNIS Flyer SE v7.0

You are a powerful warrior and mage, but you still need to slowly climb up mountains? Not any more. FNIS Flyer SE lets you conveniently explore Skyrim from above.

Numerous advanced features like AutoPilot, Echo-Sounder, TravelGuide, 2 different camera positions, give you a pleasant traveling experience. But beware: if you are looking for fast pace flying through all walls, or shooting enemies from above, you are at the wrong place. Instead you will get a mod that will provide you an easy and convenient way to travel to known places, and search for new ones in difficult to access locations. And it provides an implementation which is relatively gentle to your CPU, using newest FNIS technology (animation driven animations with elevation capability).


Important! Do not activate ADW support when you have either Flying Mod or Nephilim installed!!!

Recent Changes
FNIS Flyer 7.0

  • Activated pre-caching of FNIS Flyer animations to avoid sporadic t-poses - FNIS 5.5 required
  • Removed the annoying sound when using the Undo function (x key)


22 Jun 2023

The default value of timescale in Skyrim SE is 20, which means 1 minute in real life, counts as 20 minutes in game. With this mod 1 minute in real life, counts as 6 or 10 minutes, so time in-game passes more slowly and the days (and nights) last longer.

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