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Food, drug and drinks animations v0.9 [1.5.2]  

Upload: 15 May 2022, 13:51
Last updated: 15-11-2022, 15:40
Created by: Feel_Fried [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

This modification adds many animations to the game for food, drinks and medicine.

THIS IS STILL IN BETA. some visual glitches/bugs/crashes could happen


Models and animations authors: LilGabe,denis2000,ValeroK,Patrick Sutton,Blindside, (the most awkwards - Feel_Fried =) )

Models/animations taken from Gunslinger authors:MaxG3D -pills jar, Synap - syringe injector, STRIFER

(animations were converted to CoC hands rig so they looks much worse then the originals ones)

Script authors: thales100,Grelka, (adaptation for Anomaly and rewriting: Feel_Fried)

Items textures: Mr White aka Hector Shiroi - cigs (UV maping and Iskra texture), Andrej Chudoba - syringe, Patrick Sutton

Special thanks: Lucy, Tronex, tdef,LVunter, GRIZZY, RavenAscendant, Igigog


Without MO2:

Drop gamedata and bin folders from archive to your game root folder with override.

With MO2:

After installing addon via MO2 addons installer, open addon archive and drop Bin folder from it to your game root folder with override.

All additional animations such as skinning, backpack, items pickup animations can be disabled/enabled inside MCM settings.

ATTENTION (CRASH ON SMOKING/mod_cig_smoke CTD)!!!! If you using any addons that has own game executables (bin), such as Duty expansion, 2D shader based scopes, etc then you can download combined all in one exes from here ->> and install it AFTER FDDA and all other engine addons.

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