T.H.A.P. Rework 2.0
T.H.A.P. Rework - project to rework the original The Hands/Arms Project (hud hands visuals) by ICHICROW. In the addon, about 90% of hand models has been replaced with higher-quality ones.
The addon has new models of hands from other modifications and redesigned textures of the original T.H.A.P. addon. Most of the textures was redesigned by me, including new camouflage, patches, high-resolution upscale textures [2K, 4K], etc.
Аddon original author: ICHICROW - T.H.A.P REV ANOMALY EDITION
EFT hands pack: Isthar - HANDS ARMS PACK
- THE ORIGINAL T.H.A.P. REV MOD ISN'T REQUIRED. Теперь нет требования устанавливать T.H.A.P. REV.
- Includes patches for HD Models and Trader Overhaul - Outfit Version.
- Full compatibility with main addons like: BaS, FDDA, BLINDSIDE'S WEAPON REANIMATION and other.
- Installation: copy and replace.
- New game: not required.
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