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Cr3pis Icons 2.1.9  

Upload: 17 May 2022, 07:18
Last updated: 10-11-2022, 22:44
Created by: Cr3pis [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Cr3pis Icons 2.1.9

New accurate, high quality, polished inventory icons. Now modular and conflict free. You can choose between multiple matches and variants.



Blackgrowl who taught me the basics of Blender.

RavenAscendant for his amazing work on the Icon Override script.

Firebreath for helping me setting up the FOMOD installer.

.MaLum for some items icons.

Maid for letting me use his artefacts icons.

Enjoy your ride.



15/05 - New vanilla guns icons.

27/04 - Fixed some fomod installer bugs that i ignored for months lel

22/04 - New bas icons. Text and No Text version.

17/03 - New icons for trash items, quest items, devices, packages, cooking items. Credits go to Maid for faction patches icons and HarukaSai for providing me the army kettle kit 3D model.
- Added optional type/rank indicators to devices (artefact containers too) and cooking items.

10/03 - New helmetless icons, for all the outfits that have an integrated helmet. (Only vanilla outfits)

08/03 - Added optional 2x1 icons for novice outfits such as leather jackets and army outfit. (Only vanilla outfits)

07/03 - Changed some vanilla outfits icons according to FVMT update.
- Added upgrade/repair icons (the T-pose one) to almost all outfits except the usual awful ones that don't deserve anything until further overhaul. (IBAZ, voyager, etc)

06/02 - New vanilla outfits icons.

31/01 - New repair items and crafting materials icons. Modular version with optionals: indicators for vanilla values and OPO/WPO/Toolkit Remap.
- Integrated Maid's artefacts icons in Optional versions with indicators for vanilla and AR add-ons will come soon.
- Updated with new version of icon override script. Hopefully the bug about attachment position on the equipped guns is fixed.

29/01 - New consumables icons. Modular version with optionals: indicators and some icons in larger size, such as vanilla games. (didn't add indicators on food yet tho, don't know if i will or not tbh)
- Better organization of FOMOD.
- Updated new version of icon override script.

22/01 - New BAS attachments icons (except the weapons kits). Added modular version with text.
- Added Exoseva CBSE icons
- Added MP7 Replacement icons.

19/01 - New vanilla attachments icons.
- Added modular version with text.
- Made old ammo text more recognizable, as an optional.

16/01 - New BAS ammo icons.

15/01 - Restored 9x18, 9x19 and 7.62x25 in 2x1 size.

14/01 - Implemented FOMOD Installation.
- New conflict free Ammo Icons.
- Modular installation.


06/12 - Bas service update.

24/08 - removed GBOOBS icon .dds patch cause FUCK THAT it causes too much misunderstanding between users. Enjoy ammo with inaccurate text on it.

22/08 - BaS service update. Added labels to new icons (which i made eheh). Removed BAS ammo sections from weapon_ammo.ltx since now they use separate ltx

27/05 - New HD Models outfits icons (upgrade table icons too, each outfit has its own), new backpack icons, new nightvision icons and some little irrilevant fixes.

23/04 - Updated to the latest Boomsticks and Sharpsticks icons.

26/03 - Updated to be compatible with newest version of HD Models, with icons matching the new outfits.

16/03 - Added Loner, Freedom, Duty, Eco, CS, Monolith, UNISG, Merc Exoskeleton by Maximilyan, plus Bandit and Renegade Exo by me. Added 9x21 SP ammo and 20x70 buckshot from BaS made by me, plus eco ammo made by Grok.

14/03 - Added T.H.A.P support and fixed some bugs.

14/03 - Fixed some issues.

14/03 - New Vanilla and BaS weapons, attachments and kits. preview:

06/03 - New Nomad Suit icon - now matches the actual appearance. Preview:

05/03 - Updated BaS compatibility and fixed some alpha channel issues in some ammo icons

05/03 - Added Grok's Ballistics Overhaul Patch in a separate folder.

04/03 - Added new Zone produced food icons and new item ranks variants (as requested)

03/03 - Fixed BaS compatibility

03/03 - Fixed 5.45x39 EP ammo not showing correct icon


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