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OneGriot's Muh Immersion Addon Pack 1.5.3 Patch Only  

Upload: 19 May 2022, 16:26
Created by: OnegRiot [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
OneGriot's Muh Immersion Addon Pack 1.5.3 Patch Only

Patch 1.5.3 for my Muh Immersion Addon Pack - Download and install only if you previously installed v1.5.2 of my pack.

This is a patch for my 'Muh Immersion Addon Pack v1.5.2', if you already downloaded the full version of v1.5.3 you don't need this. This is only for whoever downloaded and installed v1.5.2 previously!


1. Extract all files to your game folder, overwriting everything.
2. Launch JSGME.exe
3. Press the '<<' button to unload all the addons
4. Make sure the 'gamedata' folder is gone completely, if not - delete it.
5. Press 'Tasks...'
6. Press 'Load mod profile...'
7. Select the 'Muh Immersion Addon Pack 1.5.3 STORY.mep' file or 'Muh Immersion Addon Pack 1.5.3 WARFARE.mep' depending on what game mode you're playing
8. Wait for it to finish installing the addons
9. Close JSGME.exe and launch the game
10. Have fun stalker!



Addons added:
Actor Rework v1.12 by Bazingarrey: Changes the behaviour of the actor; slightly faster walking speed, nerfed sprinting, slower crouching speed, slowed down bleeding, abillity to squeeze past npcs etc.
Immersive Dynamic Tasks v1.01 by Arszi: Adds a whole bunch of new tasks to faction leaders and butcher in the Garbage.
Weather Edits v1.0 by Snaefells: Much needed tweaks to the weather in the game, specifically fixing the fog among other tweaks which now looks much better.
Dialogue Expanded v1a by indyora: Adds allot of flavour text to conversations with stalkers around the zone.

Addons updated:
Highres Loading screens v1.03 by bazzingarey: Just a few small fixes here
Trader Overhaul v1.23 by AGoodSetOfPistol: Updated to latest and allegedly final version.
Arszis Rad Overhaul Compatibility Patch by me: Updated to make work with latest additions to pack
Muh Immersion Drop Tweaks by me: Tweaked weapon and outfit condition drops (thanks to Bazingarrey for new values)

Fixed a crash caused by using a UMP45 with an ACOG, thanks to dave_5430 for spotting this.

Arszi's Thirst Overhaul 14.53kb

Arszi's Thirst Overhaul

19 May 2022

Drink water, go and sleep for 10 hours, weake up and lose health of dehydratation. This is over now. A new age of dehydratation has arrived! This mod rebalances thirst and water intake completely! Including losing water while bleeding!

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