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Bart's New Sorting Tabs V1.7 for 1.5.1 ONLY  

Upload: 23 May 2022, 12:05
Created by: Bartoche70 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Bart's New Sorting Tabs V1.7 for 1.5.1 ONLY

Hi Stalkers, UPDATE V1.7 (see Changelog.txt) I'm working actually on my mods to update them for Anomaly 1.5.1. So i hope i can upload them nearly. This is a new work...

This mod is a new work, i decided to do that because the default sorting is for me a little bit short.

Adds 2 news sorting tabs, one dedicated for "Medicine" and another one dedicated for "Upgrades".

My addon changes too the sorting, for example, all explosives are in the weapons tab, attachements are with armors tab...

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