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Overly Dramatic Blowout Music V2: Redramatized  

Upload: 20 May 2022, 13:36
Created by: Ethylia [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Overly Dramatic Blowout Music V2: Redramatized

Blowouts clearly needed more drama, here's the missing piece to the absolute peak gameplay experience.

Plays Final Voyage from the Outer Wilds soundtrack during a blowout and seamlessly fades to the dark bramble variant when you are in cover from said blowout.

test run video:

Stealth 2.1.3 Updated: 10-11-2022, 22:05 39.53kb

Stealth 2.1.3

16 May 2022

Changed formula for NPC's detection. It is now heavily based on light and distance. Added weight, body state, memory and many other factors. Flashlights/headlamps/campfires are now giving visibility boost to enemy. Modified luminosity itself (a lot). For version: 1.5.1.

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