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Beef's Shader Based NVGs V0.9 for 1.5.1  

Upload: 20 May 2022, 18:32
Created by: theRealBeef [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Beef's Shader Based NVGs V0.9 for 1.5.1

Introduces a shader based NVG effect to Stalker Anomaly, instead of the more limited .ppe effect. Currently replaces Gen1 thru Gen3 head mounted NVG effects. Can be expanded by modders to create additional effects, such as non-fullscreen NVG scopes and other possibilities.

Beef's NVGs v0.9 is archived for helping resolve any mods who have dependencies on it, v1.0 will be uploaded soon(tm).

Beef's Shader Based NVGs v0.9

Settings for "Best Visuals" still in-progress

Preview - (slightly outdated)


Functions on DX10/11 only - future DX8/9 compatibility is possible, but I'm not touching it until after I get v1.0 of the NVGs completed.

After installing this mod or making any adjustments to night_vision.h, you must restart the game and select DELETE SHADER CACHE or changes will not take effect. The Anomaly launcher recompiles its shaders from the gamedata/shaders folder ONLY if this option is checked. Once you have done this once, you will not need to do it again unless you make changes to head_mounted_nvg_shader.h or other shaders.


  • v0.9 - complete rewrite, introduces tons of new bugs, but improves performance/adjustability
  • v0.85 - updated for RC19 compatibility - patches may be out of date
  • v0.84 - updated all compatibility patches for Feel_Fried's animations
  • v0.83 - version update for the people who downloaded .82 before I ninja-updated an error
  • v0.82 - added compatibility patch for Nav's Definitive Masks
  • v0.81 - added two new configurations, brighter and brighter+arcade
  • v0.8 - fixed distortion, improved effects, implemented new features, uploaded to MODDB

Installation Steps:

1: Install Beef's NVGs
2: Profit

Please provide any feedback or bug reports so I can get v1.0 out the door and into your hands.

I want to create NVGs for Stalker that mirror real-life NVGs, without overdoing it. Likewise, I also want these NVGs to be highly configurable, to allow users to edit them without having to dig through files to change lines of code. To achieve this, I created this shader-based NVG effect to fill what I saw as a missing piece of the Stalker experience.

Current features:
- NVGs allow unaltered, but somewhat limited, peripheral vision, since real-life NVGs do not fully obscure the entire FOV of their users
- NVGs are depth aware now, dimming far objects (with the exception of light sources) to mimic light attenuation
- Another depth effect, close objects are blurred, mimicking the limited DOF that NVGs have
- CRT, noise, and scintillation effects are added to mimic the visual effects of image intensifier tubes
- Washout on overlight bright objects is implemented (although can produce visual artifacts at times still)
- NVG color satuation is adjustable
- Adjustable vignette effect applied on the border of NVGs
- Added the headlamp switching animation to the NVG enable/disable effect
- Improved bloom effect, although it can't be further improved until further shader pipeline improvements :(

Partially implemented:
- Gen1 NVGs have multiple pre-configured options allowing for offset to the L or R, or centered, no keybind or user-selectable option created yet
- NVG color satuation, vignette, noise, blur, light attenuation, and many other settings are easily adjustable and fully commented with descriptions in night_vision.h, but not yet available to edit once in-game (will add options tab in future implementation)

Future implementation:
- Create tab within the options screen allowing users to select various presets or create their own preset for each NVG generation
- Create a visual turn on / turn off effect beyond the vanilla sound effect
- Add 2d overlays for greater immersion at the cost of peripheral vision
- Create or assist modders in implementing the NVG shader for 2d and 3d scopes.

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