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Mini Map Toggle  

Upload: 23 May 2022, 16:47
Created by: ravenascendant [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Mini Map Toggle

Adds a key to hide and display the minimap. key defaults to / can be changed in MCM or by editing the script.

Changing the key can be done by editing the script. Simply change the "DIK_SLASH" to something else.

here is a full list of DIK_ values that can be used. (copied from some code ignore the numbers and other bits)

class DIK_keys {
const DIK_0 = 11
const DIK_1 = 2
const DIK_2 = 3
const DIK_3 = 4
const DIK_4 = 5
const DIK_5 = 6
const DIK_6 = 7
const DIK_7 = 8
const DIK_8 = 9
const DIK_9 = 10
const DIK_A = 30
const DIK_ADD = 78
const DIK_APPS = 221
const DIK_AT = 145
const DIK_AX = 150
const DIK_B = 48
const DIK_BACK = 14
const DIK_BACKSLASH = 43
const DIK_C = 46
const DIK_CAPITAL = 58
const DIK_CIRCUMFLEX = 144
const DIK_COLON = 146
const DIK_COMMA = 51
const DIK_C />const DIK_D = 32
const DIK_DECIMAL = 83
const DIK_DELETE = 211
const DIK_DIVIDE = 181
const DIK_DOWN = 208
const DIK_E = 18
const DIK_END = 207
const DIK_EQUALS = 13
const DIK_ESCAPE = 1
const DIK_F = 33
const DIK_F1 = 59
const DIK_F10 = 68
const DIK_F11 = 87
const DIK_F12 = 88
const DIK_F13 = 100
const DIK_F14 = 101
const DIK_F15 = 102
const DIK_F2 = 60
const DIK_F3 = 61
const DIK_F4 = 62
const DIK_F5 = 63
const DIK_F6 = 64
const DIK_F7 = 65
const DIK_F8 = 66
const DIK_F9 = 67
const DIK_G = 34
const DIK_GRAVE = 41
const DIK_H = 35
const DIK_HOME = 199
const DIK_I = 23
const DIK_INSERT = 210
const DIK_J = 36
const DIK_K = 37
const DIK_KANA = 112
const DIK_KANJI = 148
const DIK_L = 38
const DIK_LBRACKET = 26
const DIK_LC />const DIK_LEFT = 203
const DIK_LMENU = 56
const DIK_LSHIFT = 42
const DIK_LWIN = 219
const DIK_M = 50
const DIK_MINUS = 12
const DIK_MULTIPLY = 55
const DIK_N = 49
const DIK_NEXT = 209
const DIK_NOC />const DIK_NUMLOCK = 69
const DIK_NUMPAD0 = 82
const DIK_NUMPAD1 = 79
const DIK_NUMPAD2 = 80
const DIK_NUMPAD3 = 81
const DIK_NUMPAD4 = 75
const DIK_NUMPAD5 = 76
const DIK_NUMPAD6 = 77
const DIK_NUMPAD7 = 71
const DIK_NUMPAD8 = 72
const DIK_NUMPAD9 = 73
const DIK_O = 24
const DIK_P = 25
const DIK_PAUSE = 197
const DIK_PERIOD = 52
const DIK_PRIOR = 201
const DIK_Q = 16
const DIK_R = 19
const DIK_RBRACKET = 27
const DIK_RC />const DIK_RETURN = 28
const DIK_RIGHT = 205
const DIK_RMENU = 184
const DIK_RSHIFT = 54
const DIK_RWIN = 220
const DIK_S = 31
const DIK_SCROLL = 70
const DIK_SEMICOLON = 39
const DIK_SLASH = 53
const DIK_SPACE = 57
const DIK_STOP = 149
const DIK_SUBTRACT = 74
const DIK_SYSRQ = 183
const DIK_T = 20
const DIK_TAB = 15
const DIK_U = 22
const DIK_UNDERLINE = 147
const DIK_UNLABELED = 151
const DIK_UP = 200
const DIK_V = 47
const DIK_W = 17
const DIK_X = 45
const DIK_Y = 21
const DIK_YEN = 125
const DIK_Z = 44
const MOUSE_1 = 337
const MOUSE_2 = 338
const MOUSE_3 = 339

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