Vivid HD Icons + B&S + SS&S + TOC + Mags Patch v1.3
Vivid HD Icons + B&S + SS&S + TOC + Mags Compatibility Patch v1.3
For STALKER: Anomaly 1.5.0 B3 U4/H8 - English only (for now...)
It annoyed me that I could not use the Vivid Colors & Icons add-on together with Trader Overhaul Complete and Anomaly Magazines due to missing/blank item icons. This solves that problem.
This add-on replaces the one conflicting file in all of these mods:
And this file that conflicts in B&S and SS&S:
It may be possible for me to add compatibility for other add-ons; this depends on where they place their icons in the sprite sheet.
Install any of the listed mods you'd like to play with. Here is a suggestion for install order:
- Install Shotgun Scopes & Sights
- Install Boomsticks & Sharpsticks.
- (Optional) Install New Item and Armor Icons/HD Icons.
- Install Trader Overhaul Complete.
- Install Anomaly Magazines.
- Install this patch. There is no need to install Vivid Colors & Icons.
Then, extract the gamedata directory inside '../Main Compatibility Patch' to your STALKER: Anomaly directory. If you are using both B&S and SS&S, also extract the gamedata directory in '../Optional B&S + SS&S Config Patch' to your STALKER: Anomaly directory.
You do not require any of the above mods to use this add-on as it is only a compatibility patch.
v1.3 - 1/9/2020:
Fixed an incorrect XML tag in st_items_weapons.xml that was causing Anomaly to crash.
v1.2 - 1/9/2020:
I've merged the English weapon descriptions for Boomsticks & Sharpsticks and Shotgun Scopes & Sights, which makes this a real compatibility patch (instead of just an icon merge) as far as the UI is concerned!
v1.1 - 1/8/2020:
Some users have reported issues with icon size in-game, so I have re-exported the DDS using BC3-DXT5 compression with no mipmaps in an attempt to correct this. The original v1.0 release was exported using BC3-DXT1 compression with mipmaps.
v1.0 - 1/7/2020:
Original release.