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All Traders Buy Broken Shit for 1.5U4H8  

Upload: 25 May 2022, 14:17
Created by: VonSparq [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
All Traders Buy Broken Shit for 1.5U4H8

Just a very simple edit to the base configs of all of the traders so they'll buy items in any condition.

Includes the Nimble sells all weapons just because i had it installed at the time of making.
Incompatible with any addon that edites the trader configs.

For 1.5 update 4 hotfix. Feel free to use it in any way you like, include it in compilations, hell you can trade this mod for a kidney for all i care.

Living Zone v1.0.9 Fixed 37.44kb

Living Zone v1.0.9 Fixed

23 May 2022

Life across the zone without restrictions for groups. Groups will begin to occupy points that previously did not occupy, but there is no complete war of factions.

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