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Storyteller ReShade 1.0 (Anomaly 1.5.1)  

Upload: 10 Nov 2022, 21:59
Created by: TooMuchSascha [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Storyteller ReShade 1.0 (Anomaly 1.5.1)

A film-inspired ReShade preset made with visibility during gameplay as a focus without sacrificing screenshot aesthetics.

A ReShade preset that gives a nice stylized cinematic look to STALKER without making gameplay unfeasible.
Tarkovsky's original 1979 Stalker film served as a minor influence along with a little MW19.

This preset comes with two variants;
The normal version with no letterboxing and slightly toned-down Levels/Filmic Pass adjustments to make gameplay more feasible.
And the EX version made for screenshots with darker blacks and letterboxing borders.

Made with Pascal Gilcher's RTGI plugin for ReShade, but it is by no means mandatory.
Instructions in the included Readme file.

All screenshots below taken with the normal version and default lumscale settings.

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