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Realistic Durability Drops V1.5.X  

Upload: 11 Nov 2022, 18:38
Created by: NK11 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Realistic Durability Drops V1.5.X

A small script/mod overwriting default in-game values so you don't have to.


Welcome to RDD, it should be compatible with any version (1.5.1, 1.5.2, etc.) that utilizes the current loot-system, and though it is preferable to install this when you're still on Default settings (clean Anomaly install), as all the other stuff in the corresponding .ltx file has been untouched from that point.. it is possible to use in existing saves if you know you've never touched it.

This should also be compatible with most if not all mods, just keep in mind that aside from the durability the file is completely vanilla Anomaly as if a fresh install, so if it tries to overwrite anything when you drag/copypaste, because another mod has already done the same for example, it's advisable to compare both files and see what would change.

Please note that this is an Anomaly mod, and it does not seem to be fully compatible with GAMMA.


Ever feel like enemies shouldn't be raining hell down on you with a 5% durability rifle while your own starts jamming way before that, and the minimum sell condition is 50%+ with most traders?

Would you agree that while some lower rookies might have the shitty guns, the real G's oughta walk around ballin?

Then this is the file you wanna have! Simple plug&play stuff preventing us from having to re-set this manually every time.



Values for both Weapons & Armour loot drops have been changed, both identical to the table below using in-game ranks:

(Please note that all values are in durability % from min to max.)


Rookie - 15-35%

Trainee - 25-40%

Experienced - 35-45%

Professional - 40-55%

Veteran - 50-65%

Expert - 60-75%

Master - 70-85%

Legend - 80-95%


You can further customize this yourself should you so desire, and depending on your other settings this can obviously be perfectly balanced or not at all :) And I would suggest adjusting either/or accordingly.

Anomaly Skill System 206.82kb

Anomaly Skill System

22 May 2022
1 520

The addon adds a skill system to Anomaly. Skills are leveled by their respective actions instead of something arbitrary like gaining experience for completing quests or killing monsters.

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