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To install the mod, you ecessarily need SMAPI, read the guide.

HD Portraits v1.3.4  

Upload: 09 Jul 2023, 13:50
Created by: tlitookilakin [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.3.4
HD Portraits v1.3.4

This mod is a framework that may be required by other mods, but does nothing on its own. If you install it without a mod that uses it, nothing will happen. It is installed like any other SMAPI mod; by unzipping it into the Mods directory in your game folder.

To use different resolutions or animations, this mod requires a small amount of metadata, which can be provided by targeting the supplied game asset "Mods/HDPortraits" using a Content Patcher pack, or an equivalent IAssetEditor/Loader in c#. For c# modders, this mod also supplies an API that can be used to draw portraits, among other things.


- AeroCore

Stardew Valley Mod Installation Guide

Stardew Valley Mod Installation Guide

08 Jul 2023

This article is for those who are just starting out or want to start messing around with mods. Here I will try to describe in detail everything about installing the modification on Stardew Valley.

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