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Pelican TTS v1.13.2  

Upload: 09 Jul 2023, 09:31
Created by: Platonymous [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Pelican TTS v1.13.2

Pelican TTS

by Platonymous

Text-To-Speech Mod

Important: If you use a different language than english, make sure to also download GMCM and configure the voices using the menu. Where possible use voices that don't have a * (in game more of a weird star symbol) behind the name for best results. Most non-english languages don't have a lot of native voices.

Pelican TTS 1.12.3
More Voice-Options. Voices marked with * in GMCM are not ment for your current language but may still work.

Pelican TTS 1.12.0
Allows you to read whatever text is under the mouse or in a tooltip when pressing the screen reader key (default: N).
Still kind of a beta feature, may not work on all text.

Pelican TTS 1.8.9
Custom NPCs should now be detected more reliably. Should a custom npc be missing in the config file or menu, load a save that has them present and use the console command "tts_update". After restarting the game they should be added. 
(To get the config menu, download GMCM)
Alternatively you can manually add the npc via it's name to your config.json file with the other voices (after first launch), even adding npcs that aren't actually in the game yet/anymore won't cause any issues.

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