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The Sol Sector: 276 Stars within 30 Light Years  

Upload: 07 Jan 2024, 13:40
Created by: LNSS [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
The Sol Sector: 276 Stars within 30 Light Years

The Sol Sector is primarily a mod that features a static map of 276 stars located within 30 light years or about 10 parsecs of our sun. Each star is connected through hyperlanes to their actual closest neighbors, based on actual astrographical data.

On Realism
Most of the stars within 30 light years of our sun are red dwarves, and so it is in the map — and because there are no black holes within this range, for example, there are no black holes in the mod. However, you'll find there are also quite a few 'exotic' systems within the established range.

I will attempt to continue updating this mod with more unique and interesting initializers for the featured systems. And perhaps some wormholes scattered here and there that could take ships to distant clusters with things like black holes and such.

Should be noted that unique systems from vanilla, such as Tiyana Vek or Chor's Compass, will still spawn. Usually they will replace one of the 276 stars on the map.

It should also be noted that it's almost impossible to chart all these stars to their closest neighbors without overlapping hyperlanes. I tried to minimize it, but there are still a few webs. Think of it as a feature.

Additional Features

The mod features 10 custom Origins that make Empires spawn in specific systems/locations in the map. These custom Origins are barebones at the moment, without additional modifiers. I hope to make them more unique over time.

An Empire without any of the Sol Sector Origins is going to spawn in a random star, replacing it with their selected initializer.

Pre-Scripted Empires
There are two pre-scripted Empires included, alternate versions of UNE and COM. These are just examples which have two of the Sol Sectors Origins set.

Please disable this mod unless you want to play on the static map, otherwise the vanilla options might not be present. This mod overwrites the following folders and will not be compatible with mods that touch them:


One more thing...
I allow anyone to take anything from this mod and use it however they want (including other mods), as long as credit is given.

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