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Mission "Terrible 41st"  

Upload: 16 Apr 2022, 06:04
Created by: Hetzer
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Mission "Terrible 41st"

USSR, outskirts of Smolensk
Map - 128x128
Player - USSR
Enemy - Germany
Map - Hetzer
Mission - Hetzer
Testing - Kit, IG, Combo, Nordleng

The mission tells of heavy fighting in the first weeks of the war.
July 1941. Not far from Smolensk. The retreating units of the Red Army approached the village, where, according to their information, they should receive ammunition, fuel and food.

River. RWG 255 KB

River. RWG

20 Aug 2022

Map source 265x256. Virgin clean source! No one has ever created a mission for this map, you can be the first! There are railway lines and a station, swamps, several settlements, a wide river with a ford and the ability to build pontoon crossings!

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