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Uranus - Wintergewitter - Saturn (english)  

Upload: 17 Aug 2022, 18:51
Created by: Ingwio
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Uranus - Wintergewitter - Saturn (english)

Name or Nickname: Johnik
Mapname: Uranus - Wintergewitter - Saturn
Mapgröße / Size (128*128,256*256...): 512*512
SP or MP: SP
SP (SP Germany, Allies...): SP Germany
MP (1-1, 2-2...):
Map (normal, update, without scripts): normal
Sudden Strike Version (Sudden Strike 2, SS 3...) : RWM 8.0
Szenario (summer, winter, desert...): winter
Kampfart / Combat kind (tactical, tactical massbattle, massbattle): tactical massbattle
Mod: RWM 8.0
Information: 25.11.1942 Battles on south of Stalingrad pocket

Operatin Bagration

Operatin Bagration

17 Aug 2022

Operation Bagration Eastern Front June 22 - 27, 1944 Sector Vitebsk During Operation Bagration, you were tasked with capturing the city of Vitebsk on the Danube with your 39th Army!

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