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Ostfront 1944 J  

Upload: 17 Aug 2022, 20:29
Created by: Stahlgewitter
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Name: Stahlgewitter
Mapname: Ostfront 1944 J
Größe: 128*128
SP or MP: Multiplayer
SP : ----
MP: 2-2
map: Mapupdate
Version: Sudden Strike 2
Szenario: Sommer/Summer
Kampfart: taktisch/tactical
Mod: RWM 8.0 (SS RW)

Summer 1944 / Eastern Front. Their task is to capture the southern part of the Eastern Front of the village, previously freed from hostilities and securing the surrounding territory. All existing bridges in the area were destroyed by air strikes, built or used pontoon bridges to cross rivers and streams. The enemy cannot fall into the hands of the central village, and they do everything in their power to keep this territory. The elite leagues are approaching, they are fed in the course of the game. No artillery!!! No artillery!!! Nearly 6400 objects/objects, 67 houses/homes, 6 bridges/bridges, countless creek crossings, pontoon bridge building opportunities and more. Have a good time! The map has been thoroughly tested, all adjusted to 1944.

Operation Epson 293.86 KB

Operation Epson

17 Aug 2022

Operation Epsom Normandy June 25, 1944 The goal of this operation is to secure the areas west of the city of Caen and conquer the strategically important Hill 112. Hold your starting position and establish a bridgehead over the Odon!

[6.8] AVESNES 1940 V1.02

[6.8] AVESNES 1940 V1.02

17 Aug 2022

Assault on Avesnes Beta 0.92 After Rommel's unexpected breakthrough with his 7th Armored Division over the northern extension of the Maginot Line, he pushed as far as he could.

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