Unternehmen Merkur
Name: Costello
eMail: costello63@web.de
Mapname: Unternehmen Merkur
Größe: 256*256
SP or MP: Singleplayer
SP : SP german/deutsch
MP: ----
map: Normale Map
Version: Sudden Strike 2
Szenario: Sommer/Summer
Kampfart: taktisch/tactical
Mod: RWM 6.71 final (SS 2)
Airborne battle on Crete "Unternehmen Merkur" The British troops were surprised by the implacable and reckless manner of the German landings and the combat strength of the landing troops. The Britons started firing grenade launchers. However, the parachute pastures were subjected to an unexpectedly high barrage, with many already being injured or killed in the air as a result. Even if they arrived safely on the ground, they were partially dispersed by the wind and lightly armed at first to fight to the weapons containers and then regroup. Moreover, they were surprised by the large number of enemy troops and strong defensive fire, since the Enlightenment had predicted much less resistance. Play a small area of air landing. It won't be easy for you! Map blank "Crete"