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Wicked Whims Animations Pack 2022  

Upload: 21 Mar 2022, 03:51
Last updated: 27-03-2022, 09:08
Created by: 2024end [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Wicked Whims Animations Pack 2022

11185 animations, lots of toys, various objects, accessories, skimpy clothes, tattoos, hairstyles, everything for bdsm.
Some animations require Pose Player, Teleport Any Sim to work.

The archive already contains the latest version of Wicked Whims (currently it is 166b)

Note: the animations will fit almost any version of WW, just change the version after downloading.

Authors of animations, objects and clothes (all animations updated on 10/12/2021 + new animations + clothes):

AMRA72, OOOLALA, R-LO, ZORAK, AZMODAN22, MIKE24, A.TROIS, WILD_GUY, MOTHERLODESIMS, LUPOBIANCO, YRSA, ANARCIS, SALARMOJ, CherryPie, Omaster, Simdulgence, ATrois, Alonely, necrodog, TLAYER, E404P, CHIMOCHICCHI, THEGAMERBOY, DART1FA, PZANIM, Sucre LGBT, Lifeline, GreyNaya, Fouyaya, Kiki's, Simtasia, Noir, 0zzzy, OLL, MISSME's, FausTTerM's, asketo's, Playsim, NNISM, CIPHER, FEMDOMANIA, Artmiel, bobahloo, modella, Yummy-o-Tummy, Bungholio, QuinSims, Bungholio18, Starlet Moon, KyleWoohoo, Kritical, Savaccini, khyan69, ephiny-asunder, BlueCraving, JaybeeAnimations.

P.S if you can't download from Google drive, first log in to your account, or download through another mirror.

Starlet Moon Animations 1 MB

Starlet Moon Animations NSFW

11 Apr 2022
10 182

New lesbian animations for the Wicked Whims mod. The author has just started creating animations, so do not judge strictly. Number of animations: 8.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. y
    yota [Guests]
    27 August 2023 07:27

    does this still work with the new update?

  2. M
    Mr Unlucky [Guests]
    21 January 2023 16:27

    Is it still compatible with the newest version?

  3. I
    Icce_Hsu [Guests]
    30 October 2022 12:38

    Whenever I download it says 2021 and when I installed it into my sims it says that its outdated? is it supposed to be like this? thank you😅

  4. m
    maneeb [Guests]
    4 October 2022 19:36

    do it

    do it

    do it

    do it 

    do it


  5. k
    kaila [Guests]
    10 August 2022 04:06

    i cant download it wont allow me to says its reached a limit??? 

  6. M
    Melody [Guests]
    4 August 2022 03:03

    Hey, sorry for asking, but is there a mod in this pack that disables idle animations? More specifically, idle animations based on the current emotion (like Flirty, Happy, etc.). If so, which one is it? Thanks for the answer.

  7. S
    Strawberry Milkshake [Guests]
    16 July 2022 20:27

    When I try to extract the zip, I get a file corrupted error, please help. I even tried to move the whole zip as it is into the mods folder but it's not working. 

    1. Aqxaro
      Aqxaro [Admin]
      17 July 2022 05:50

      I unpacked, use another archive

  8. T
    Thomas [Guests]
    4 July 2022 09:34

    do i just add this to the mods file, still new to this sorry

    1. Aqxaro
      Aqxaro [Admin]
      4 July 2022 11:54


  9. R
    RentalMp4 [Guests]
    1 July 2022 13:06

    What skin mod did you use for the phumbnail? Is it included in the pack, let me know if you know lol.

    1. Aqxaro
      Aqxaro [Admin]
      1 July 2022 15:24

      I dont know sorry