Kessler Kitchen CC Pack
Do you want variety in the interior, but at the same time adhere to the classic style? Then this directory is for you! The pack includes 36 new kitchen items that are compatible with the base game.

Modern Kitchen Stuff - Custom Stuff Pack
It's finally here! My first kitchen set! I've been working on this project for a month and a half now, so I'm very excited to present it to the world!

Tiny Living Plus - CC Addon for Tiny Living
Want more out of Tiny Living? This set contains over 20 objects… 34 to be specific, if you count the full set of lights and windows that are also included. The objects use many elements from those found in Tiny Living, so this set is very much an ‘addon’ and will match seamlessly with the Pack.

Aesthetic Washer (With Animation)
Are you guys seeing what I’m seeing? A truly aesthetic and FUNCTIONAL piece of furniture with continuous ANIMATION is now available for download for free!