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Work from Home CC Pack  

Upload: 06 Jan 2023, 21:14
Created by: SIXAM CC [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Work from Home CC Pack

Today I want to share with you a cc pack I have been planning since last year and I am sure you will get where this idea came from.

Since lockdown 2 years ago many of us had to improvise a workspace at home, and since our Sims can work from home as well, I thought they needed some pieces to create a little but functional office in their houses.

From a little cute space in your own bedroom, to a fancy desk made from expensive oak, this collection has a variety of pieces you can use to create a cool desk and decorate it with everything you need to properly work from home.

The little ones need a cool space as well! It doesn't matter if they have to be near the dinning room, they will feel confortable in their own space.

There are 2 small desks in case your Sims house is smaller and you need to create a workspace between the living room and the kitchen.

Also I think this collection is versatile enough to create your own open office, at least I tried to recreate the cool offices of a videogames studio I know :p

"Coming! I just have to sent an important e-mail to my boss"... your Sims will simply love their own office spaces.

And finally, why not use the office tools for something more entertaining like an improvised home theater in the backyard?

I hope you like this cc pack!


  • Comfort: Profesional Desk Chair, 3 Dining Chairs, 1 Desk Chair for Kids
  • Decorative: Desk Calendar, Paper Stack, Stapler, Cork Board, Kids paper basket, Piggy Bank, Shelf, White Board, No break, Printer, Router, Wall Router, Projector
  • Electronics: Screen Projector with stand (TV), Screen Project in wall (TV), Tablet with keyboard, Designer Computer
  • Storage: Bookshelf
  • Surface: 3 Large Desks, 2 Mini Desks, 1 Dining Table, 1 Small Table, 1 Kids Desk, 1 Projector Table
Baysic 221 MB


07 Jan 2023
1 298

Felixandre & Hey Harrie are back with yet another collaboration, but this time it is for that simpler life! It's great to have unique one of a kind pieces in your Sims’ homes, but sometimes it's the Baysic items that are missing.

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Kesler Farm Kitchen CC Pack

08 Jan 2023

Today I would like to introduce you my new Line named "Kessler Kitchen". I wanted to try a more classic style with 3D details in the counters / cabinets and islands. This Kitchen comes with 2 different styles of islands so you can make a mixed custom design.

Furniture set - Oak House Part 1 123 MB

Furniture set - Oak House Part 1

06 May 2022
1 275

The first part of the set is devoted to furniture for the hallway and dining room, made of luxurious natural oak wood. This part contains 34 furniture and interior items with a lot of repaint options. Here you will find everything from a table and chairs to wall decorations and curtains.

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