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Kesler Farm Kitchen CC Pack  

Upload: 08 Jan 2023, 08:57
Created by: SIXAM CC [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Kesler Farm Kitchen CC Pack

Today I would like to introduce you my new Line named "Kessler Kitchen". I wanted to try a more classic style with 3D details in the counters / cabinets and islands. This Kitchen comes with 2 different styles of islands so you can make a mixed custom design.

Here is a few thing you can see about this new line:

There is also a playable dinnerware based on a Parenthood GP feature, you can place this dinnerware and your Sims will be able to eat on top of that and when they finish their meal, the dinnerware can be cleaned from table as well.


  • Base game compatible
  • Custom island with a double design
  • 36 new meshes
  • 1 special object: playable dinnerware (needs Parenthood GP)
  • 1 backsplash
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