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Cyberpunk Neighborhood  

Upload: 03 Jul 2023, 10:15
Created by: gravysims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Cyberpunk Neighborhood

NO CC. Please remember to turn on bb.moveobjects before placing. I furnished 1 apartment, a bar and a laundromat. Feel free to furnish the empty "apartments"!

Cyberpunk Little China

Cyberpunk Little China

03 Jul 2023

This neighbourhood in Night City is called Little China. Cyberpunk 2077 is developed by CD Projekt Red (you may know from The Witcher 3) and is one of the most hyped up games this 2020.

Abandoned Bedrock

Abandoned Bedrock

18 Apr 2022

Business was blooming, the factory was expanding, residents were as happy as the Happy Happy Pet Food factory claimed they were. But there was a dark secret no one knew and the factory closed its doors overnight.

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