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Copperdale High School | No CC  

Upload: 30 Sep 2023, 17:35
Created by: MikkiMur
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Copperdale High School | No CC

Size - 64x64
Price -  525.898$
Type - High School
Location - Copperdale, High School
CC free
Use the cheat “bb.moveobjects on” before you place this lot

The Dollmaker's house

The Dollmaker's house

05 Nov 2022

De Windt was a famous doll maker in the 20th century and had this house built from his wealth. Passing the business to his son, the new age of technology was difficult for the De Windt’s to compete with.

Fantasy Book Nook

Fantasy Book Nook

04 Sep 2022

Part of my new #ArttoBuild series! This is a fantasy book nook inspired by a piece by matsukitchi on DeviantArt. Not currently functional, but could be if a cafe/coffee bar were added somewhere. Mostly for aesthetics!

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