Golden Residence
This content requires the following: Wicked Whims, Basemental Drugs, AEP_Pornography
Enjoy a luxurious life in the most expensive home! (6.553.310 $ lot price)
Have you dreamed of a rich life? Now your dreams have come true!
You are a celebrity and the owner of this villa, everyone envy you. So throw parties, do your favorite activities, sports, gardening, beekeeping, bowling, cards, table tennis, drink alcohol, spend time in the sauna, photograph models, shoot videos in your own studio and so on. Enjoy every moment of life in this residence because the possibilities are endless!
Don't forget to go down to the basement and store money in a special vault. Don't tell anyone, but there are also 2 separate rooms in the basement where you can do drugs and do hot BDSM, bondage, domination shows.
Is not that enough for you? Then go up to the fourth floor and watch a striptease show from the hottest and most famous girls in the Sims world!
Do you think that was the end of all activity? NO!
Climb to the roof and swim in the huge pool, play basketball, grill, sunbathe, listen to music, dance, ride the water slides. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? LET'S GO TO!
testingcheats true
freerealestate on (lot price - $6.553.310)
CC author's: MrBASins, Zorak, Yr_Sa, Simtasia, sg5150, 0-Positiv, 0zzzy, ATS4, A.Trois, Azmodan22, Severinka, BrazenLotus, Chisami, Elsa, Julie J, Kritical, Littledica, MiniGiles, MXIMS, NOIR, NotEgain, Onyx Sims, SALARMOJ, Srsly Sims, SoT, TheJim07.