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high roller || mmd to ts4 conversion set  

Upload: 26 Jun 2023, 01:03
Created by: modella [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
high roller || mmd to ts4 conversion set

i recently made a strip club in my game and wanted a playboy bunny-esque theme for it. I'd seen this MMD set and decided to convert a few of the items (the bunny ear found in hats, the bowtie found in necklaces, and the cuff links found in left bracelet in CAS). but that wasn't enough! Haha, so I went ahead and made three versions of some heart nipple pastie accessories (found in earrings), that are compatible with better body, oppai body, and noir's massive and natural breasts. but i still needed more. saruin made this amazing sports set where the bottoms had a cute little thigh squish going on. i took part of that mesh and combined it with better body. i also combined it with hokusai's hamburger pussy #3 (my fave). it looks really cute with the stockings saruin made ❤️ 



17 Mar 2022
3 513

8 colors (Black, Dark Brown, Brown, Blonde, Gray, Salt n Pepper, Salt n Cocoa) 22 variants 2 styles: Curly, Straight/Wavy

Real Pornstars Pack

Real Pornstars Pack NSFW

31 Mar 2022
15 842

The files are separated, each separately, depending on which SIM card you want. We look at screenshots here , you can also download from there if you are not satisfied with file sharing.

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