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TS4 - HQ EA Body Meshes for Females [2024-05-14] 

Upload: 13 Dec 2023, 11:01
Last updated: 17-05-2024, 15:21
Created by: Noir [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
TS4 - HQ EA Body Meshes for Females [2024-05-14]

 * For base game.
 * For females.
 * For teen to elder.
 * In body tops.
 * With support for the body selector of Wicked Whims.

 * 5 Packages files.
 * HQ meshes.
 * Breast with nipples as default and non-default files. 
 * Breast without nipples as non-default file. 
 * Bottom mesh with genitals (vagina and anus are rigged) and without genitals.
 * 2 Blender files as resources for personal CC.
 * Custom thumbnails.
 * Sample images. 

Features of the update 2023-11-27:

 * Mod was renamed. 
 * Added HQ version of the EA bottom mesh for females with and without genitals.
 * All body parts were renamed in the body selector. 
 * Added blender file of the HQ EA bottom mesh without genitals for creators (only for personal use).


*Delete all the files of the old version of this mod if you have them.
*Decompress this file with 7-zip and move the content of the folder to My Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods.  

PlayBoy Mod 152 KB Hot

PlayBoy Mod NSFW

29 Aug 2023
8 183

Today im introducing a small mod i have been working on for a couple days now its not big right now but i want to continue adding more to it but here is what it all has right now



10 May 2022
5 391

100% new mesh and textures all LODS 15 swatches for robe (full body + acc ver found in wrist left category) HQ compatible made with native ww body

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  1. Гена Ситников
    Гена Ситников [Users]
    17 May 2024 18:50

    Привет объясните мне пожалуйста как правильно установить этот мод,и хотел ещё спросить а как одежду носить с этим модом!!!